2024 has been busy so far! In March we held a table reading of the play and received thoughtful, thought-provoking feedback! This resulted in some script and score rewrites, helping to make our musical even better.
In April we participated in practicing our pitch for A Midwinter’s Nightmare, This marathon pitchfest is hosted by New Musicals Inc. every year, and industry professionals volunteer their time to help participants make their pitches for their musicals better – more exciting, more to the point; and in listening to their feedback, and to the other participants’ pitches, we learned so much about how to pitch, and our confidence in our play and in ourselves improved by giant leaps once more.
In May of 2024 we tightened up the script and score even more, and decided to submit it to the Musical Writers Festival, coming up in July in Frisco, Texas! We also submitted three songs for performance to industry professionals for feedback, as well as performance on cabaret night and open mic night! We will know more later in June if any of our music or our script have been accepted for performance/workshops/feedback.